Monday, December 19, 2011

Tis the Season

This past Monday we found out that our third IUI did not take. We were super disappointed but had prepared ourselves for a negative report because we feel like we live on a rollercoaster and so the more we can prepare ourselves, the easier the letdown is (if that is possible!) I was in the running store buying myself some running shoes as a Christmas present from Todd =)  when sweet Nancy my nurse called me. She said the tests were negative and this IUI didnt take. Thankfully God has given some women the gift of empathy and during a time like this, those women are the greatest, Praise the Lord! But, she said that we would be doing hormone injections (apparently ALOT of them in my stomach!) Todd and I prayed and felt like this would be "doable" and so decided to continue on this road. The next day, another nurse called back and said that my doctor wants to continue and do another IUI in December and THEN change my plan in the new year. I had not cried about my negative test results but for some reason, I busted out crying when the nurse said that we were going to do another IUI. I told the nurse I felt like I was going insane doing the same thing and expecting different results. She didnt really appreciate my insanity humor and told me to deal with it!?! I know, I guess I caught her on a bad day =) So, after tears and prayers, Todd and I decided to do ANOTHER IUI on December 27th! The good news is, I started my period without medicine for the first time in over a year!! I know, only in the Freeman house would we jump up and down and celebrate with this kind of news (another reason I LOVE my husband!) so, we felt like this may be a good sign?!

On another note, I am reading one of the greatest books I have ever read, The Resolution for Women  by Priscilla Shirer. One whole chapter is about contentment. I always say that God has a sense of humor. This was the EXACT chapter I needed to read this past week and I have actually read it everyday this week. Here are a few of my favorite quotes:

"Contentment is....the faith-filled belief that what God has bestowed now is worthy of gratitude and appreciation, not because it is enough, but because it is good."

"By choosing means you no longer allow your yearnings and aspirations to control you, to rob from you the full use of and gratitude of what you've currently been given, leaving you unable to enjoy this because He hasn't given you that."

"In staying surprisingly satisfied, you actually receive the best of both worlds. You give yourself permission to enjoy fully the things you have, the person you are, and the life you are currently living, while continuing to harbor the dreams that keep you growing and stretching in the future."

Contentment, what a big word! Do you think God is trying to teach me to be content in my current situation? Todd and I have completely changed our prayers. We now are begging God to teach us to be content in any situation  He puts in our lives! It has definitely provided more peace in our life and marriage to allow ourselves to just be content in our current situation!

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